Sunday, 18 May 2014

UNIT 57: Shallow depth of field

A shallow depth of field in photography is where in the picture the focus is on the subjects in the front of the image while the background is blurry and out of focus or vise versa. 

Shallow depth of field only focuses on one point in an image giving the image a 'flat look'.

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

 Understand freelance working in the creative media sector

Sector: industries, eg film, television, radio, interactive media, interactive games, journalism; specialism,
eg documentary, promotional videos, editing, web design, animation, scriptwriter, story boarder, music
production, lyricist, photographer, copy writer, copy editor, sound editor, sound effects specialist

Resources: equipment; materials; work space; finance; time; personal 
Professionalism: reliability; meeting deadlines; time management; commitment; personal and professional
ethics; business relationships; presentation skills; communication skills; dress code

Health and safety: safe working practices; safety of work area; self discipline; stress management; time
management; diet and exercise; planning time off; holidays; insurance