Tuesday 14 May 2013

Speech Packages analyst

You must analyse 4 speech package sourced from a range of radio station.
For each speech packages you will identify the following:
The RADIO STATION it was broadcast on (Time of day & name of programme)
The PURPOSE of the speech package (i.e. informs, educate or entertain)
The programme GENRE
The AUDIENCE at which the package was targeted
And a brief ANALYSIS of the CONTENT. Identifying the reporters delivery, pace and language register.

1. The story of pop (Episode 8- 'Teenagers in love')

BBC Radio 6. It was aired first on a Tuesday afternoon at 4:00 when parents are picking up their children from school so we can determine that the target audience is middle class women aged around 25-40 that live in the suburbs with children. The presenter uses formal language and is part of the older generation 

The purpose is to educate and entertain by teaching the history of teenage pop idols in the 50's and 60's

The speech package has a music bed of a popular song from The Belmonts a band from the 50's specifically the song A Teenager In Love which was placed as no. 5 in the billboard hot 100 in 1959.
It also has an interview with one of the old band members called Dion DiMucci how recalls how he was too embarrassed to sing the 'Doo-Wop' parts of the songs.

2. BBC Radio 5. Sunday 3:30 14th
The presenter of this speech package is a middle aged Caucasian male in a fast paced tempo. The programme genre is sports.
The speech package has an interview with one of the players discussing how basketball is become increasingly popular in England.
The purpose of the speech package is to entertain the target audience which is young adult males that may play basketball regularly or have a strong interest in it.
The speech package includes background noise from one of the games and the pre-recorded sounds of a basketball hitting the court 
3.The why factor.11:32 BBC World service
Monday 10th December
The speech package is about fear in films and how audiences deliberately go out to scare themselves and how they became addictive, it is informing the audience but at the same time it is entertaining them to a extent. It has a music bed of organ music (a common theme in scary films) and has several recorded sounds of a baby crying.
The presenter is a middle aged male who is speaking in a clear British accent at a slow pace.
The target audience is middle aged intellectuals or film fanatics or people who enjoy learning about the human mind.
The speech package has two interviews-  one with a woman who had just watched The Shinning in a cinema and a BFI curator who discusses how we as an audience related to the characters in the film as we find out information at the same time.
It also has a sound extract from the film The Shining.
4. BBC world service. (Witness; Episode ‘The great Gatsby’)
The speech package talks about the novels writer F. Scott Fitzgeralds last few years. It contents is Fitzgeralds last wife’s children talking about him.
The music bed includes the podcasts jingle and the opening of a narrator introducing what the podcast is about and music from the 1920s era which fits in well with The Great Gatsby’s theme as it is set in the 1920s.

Producer a brief summary on your speech package case studies. Compare the differences between the packages considering the target audience for each package.
200-500 words.

Each speech package will have a different target audience according to the content of the speech package. Some speech packages with the genre of music may appeal to younger audience members such as teenagers or young adults and other genres such as history or news may appeal to older audiences such as middle aged or seniors.

The speech packages I analysed are similar in target audiences as the radio stations are the same so they will more likely have the same target audience. But they all had different reasons to air- some to entertain, others to inform and some to educate.
The content was all different in the speech packages as well, some had light and easy topics that cause no controversy and others had more depth.

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